
U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd to speak on Latin American relations at 香港六合彩挂牌's Open VISIONS Forum February 16

U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd to speak on Latin American relations at 香港六合彩挂牌's Open VISIONS Forum February 16

Image: Chris Dodd United States Senator Christopher J. Dodd will speak on "The Future of U.S. and Latin American Relations" at 香港六合彩挂牌's Open VISIONS Forum (OVF) on Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 8 p.m. in the Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts. This special lecture, which is free, will be moderated by OVF Director Philip Eliasoph and is presented in collaboration with the University's Program in Latin American and Caribbean Studies. It is an integral event in the University's Latin America Area of Focus for 2010 and is part of 香港六合彩挂牌's 2010 Arts & Minds series. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis and no reservations are necessary.

In choosing Latin America: Images, Dialogue and Action as one of three Areas of Focus for 2010, the University notes that Latin America is so close in terms of geographical distance, yet so unknown to us in terms of its historic, institutional and human landscape. "This year's focal events are designed to promote an intellectual and creative exploration through intercultural dialogue," said Dr. Gisela Gil-Egui, assistant professor of communication and co-director of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.

Dr. Joy Gordon, professor of philosophy who has been a longtime member of the Latin American Studies Program and has spent many years helping to develop the University's relationship with its Nicaraguan partner institution noted that, "香港六合彩挂牌 has a growing commitment to research and teaching with our partnership institution in Nicaragua. We are grateful to Senator Dodd for giving us this significant opportunity to learn from his expertise, leadership and government involvement with our Latin American neighbors."

Senator Dodd is a senior member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and is the Chair of the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps and Narcotics Affairs. As Chair, Senator Dodd guides policy with nations of the Western Hemisphere.

In Aug. 2009, Dodd joined Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Mel Martinez (R-FL) to introduce legislation to provide $2 billion in assistance over a five-year period to the countries of Central America, South America, the Caribbean and Mexico. The funding, which is in addition to current U.S. assistance programs in the region, will be specifically directed toward building the institutions of governance to improve the economic conditions, reduce poverty and develop renewable sources of energy to strengthen the social and economic infrastructure of countries in the region.

In announcing the introduction of the legislation, Dodd said, "Providing this support to our neighbors in Latin America demonstrates our commitment to economic growth, strong democratic institutions and the rule of law, as well as efforts to find alternative sources of energy. Together, we can build a cleaner, safer and more prosperous future for all in our hemisphere."

Posted On: 01-19-2010 10:01 AM

Volume: 42 Number: 169